Ignasi Aballí & Oriol Vilanova
Reversible, 2018

Two colour photographs
54 × 80 cm / 39 × 29 cm

(…) The artists have thought their common concerns out, so that each of the pieces that make up the project work as a manifesto. However, these manifestos, as is usual in the artistic manifestos of the 21st century, flee from the collective and aggressive character of the past to become more individual and introverted positions. These statements of what unites and separates both artists take the form of certain quiz such as word searches and crossword puzzles. (…) With a neutral style, and as a catalogue, we see the enumerations and classifications proposed by the artists. An order of the reality, or part of it, that works as a reference or description of the scenario shared by both artists. Agreed lists made according to a parameter although, in the first instance, they may seem random. And the spectator is in charge of the reconstruction of these inventories.

Excerpt from the introduction to the exhibition “Ignasi Aballí + Oriol Vilanova. Reversible” at Galeria Estrany – de la Mota, Barcelona, 26 September – 21 December 2018.