Dora García
Two Planets Have Been Colliding for Thousands of Years, 2017
The work’s title comes from a conversation between Dora García, Andrea Valdés, and Manuel Asín on the occasion of the exhibition curated by Guillaume Désanges at La Verrière in Brussels. For García, the image suggested by Valdés of two planets colliding for thousands of years until they become one was a perfect description of the relationship between poetry and the visual arts. The artist then drew this slow collision. There were two circles, one inside the other. (…) [the drawing reproduced on the floor] became the arena for an extremely simple and contemplative performance. Two physically “similar” people stand in each of the circles and agree to maintain a previously established distance from each other. They stare at each other. When one changes position, it provokes a response in the other (…). This is a “performance à deux”, a duet.
Excerpt from Dora Garcia. Second Time Around which is in fact the first, ed. Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid, 2019.