Angela Detanico & Rafael Lain
Two Voices (Tout/Rien), 2012
Fascinated by what exceeds man and his understanding of what surrounds him, Angela Detanico and Rafael Lain draw systems of representation and writing of time, space and infinite from scientific, mathematical and literary researches. Inherited of the conceptual statement, established in the use of new mediums like sound, graphic and plastic creation, their thought process appears in a meticulous and uncluttered poetic formalism. (…) A new text piece series is spread through the gallery : plein/vide, shine/shade, first/last, tout/rien and loin/près give a visual and mental assembly of two words that were supposed to be fundamentally opposed.
Excerpt from the introduction to “Angela Detanico / Rafael Lain. Two Voices” at Galerie Martine Aboucaya, September 8 – October 20, 2012.