Daniel Gustav Cramer
Sunset (LXII), 2020

9.2 cm diameter, 1243 gram
[In 2009, Daniel Gustav Cramer installed, framed by two found photographs, a cast iron sphere hanging from a metal tripod, titled /, in an exhibition at Galeria Vera Cortês.] (…) Since then, a growing number of objects – found, produced by local artisans or made by himself – have become elements in his ongoing series of installations – alongside book works, photographs, texts and films. Their presence has always been subtle; objects that belong to the exhibitions as much as to the space they are shown in; physical notations left by the artist. With each new object, Cramer confirms and questions the principles of the series, their objecthood and ontology. The works seem to linger at the threshold that separates things from works of art – not fitting in either of these two realms – simultaneously inhabiting both. They are composed of two elements: a material presence and a written document that gives account of the specific properties.
Excerpt from the introduction to Daniel Gustav Cramer’s exhibition “Objects” at Galeria Vera Cortês, Lisbon, 2023.